
Safety at Sea for Scientists
International Regulation VI/1 STCW 1978 Code Section A-VI § 1 & 2
Duration: 1 day // location: Kiel or Cuxhaven Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques
Inteded for Personnel who need to be trained in the basic principles of survival at sea but does not belong to regular ships crew.
Objective To train the participant in de basic principles in survival at sea and familiarize with safety gear and equipment.
Course content • Theory personal survival- and ship borne emergency equipment • Use of pyrotechnics • Procedures in case of abandonment of a ship • Theory in personnel and group survival techniques • Basic knowledge of the risks of hypothermia • Practical session in survival at sea • Launching a survival raft and right an inverted life-raft while wearing a lifejacket • Man-over-Board manoeuvre • Heli Hoist Certified by INASEA
For further information mail to info@inasea.de